Our Services
With many years’ practical experience in the agricultural and grain storage and handling industry, both in the UK and overseas, we are able to offer sound, up to date technical advice to assist you.
Our experienced sales and technical staff are on hand to provide advice and support from your initial enquiry, through the planning and design stages to delivery, installation and long term after-sales service.
Pre-Sales and Technical Support

Franklin Hodge Industries retains experienced sales and technical staff who are on hand to provide free advice and support from your initial enquiry, through the planning and design stages to delivery, installation and long term after-sales service. We have many years’ practical experience in the agricultural and grain storage and handling industry, both in the UK and overseas and are able to offer sound, up to date technical advice to assist you.
Manufacturing and Delivery

Manufacture is carried out at our own factory site in Birmingham. Our in-house control of the complete sales, design and manufacturing process enables us to provide our customers with an unrivalled level of service. With experience in delivering throughout Europe and beyond, Franklin Hodge Industries provide a complete end-to end solution to match our customers’ needs.
Franklin Hodge Industries Ltd. | Jubilee Building | Westfield Trading Estate | Faraday Road | Hereford | HR4 9NS | United Kingdom
T +44 (0) 1432 269605 | F +44 (0) 1432 277454 | E bricebaker@franklinhodge.co.uk